Upcoming Events
Give and Get Art Auction
Ottawa Art Gallery, Ontario
May 29, 2025
From Sea to Sky, Connected by a Thread
Westland Gallery, London, Ontario
August 5-30, 2025
Group Exhibition
My silk collages, felt sculptures, woven abstractions
Select Events
Maclaren House Art Gallery, Wakefield, Quebec
Global Affairs Canada
Cocoon pieces selected for GAC’s Visual Art Collection, loaned to embassies and official residences worldwide
Les pirouettes
World of Threads Festival, Oakville, Ontario
General Fine Craft, Almonte, Ontario
Fibre Five Fibre
Sunbury Shores, St.Andrews By-the-Sea, New Brunswick
World of Threads Festival Interview
”Carmella Karijo Rother is an artist whose early interests led to a career in natural sciences and education, working at Ontario Parks and the Canadian Museum of Nature. She then began her journey in textile and fibre arts.....”
The Red and The Black
World of Threads Festival, Oakville, Ontario
Wall Space Gallery, Ottawa, Ontario
Exposed, Where the Wild Things…Aren’t
Wall Space Gallery, Ottawa, Ontario
A thriving imaginary ecosystem subjected to environmental degradation
Out Numbered
Wall Space Gallery, Ottawa, Ontario